HPUX 11 - Bind 8.2.3 ndc (possible timeout issue?) problem.

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Wed Jan 31 22:24:46 UTC 2001

>>>>> "Jon" == Jon Nistor <nistor at snickers.org> writes:

    Jon> I have an HP UX 11 box, and got 8.2.3 compiled cleanly, the
    Jon> only problem is, we have about ... just over 5000 zones, and
    Jon> when I run lets say:

    Jon> /opt/bind/sbin/ndc start, it'll load named just fine, but it
    Jon> wont make /var/run/ndc

Of course it won't. It's the name server's job to create the control
socket/FIFO and listen for ndc sending it commands via that
socket. ndc assumes the socket was set up by the name server. Did you
put a controls{} statement in named.conf to get the server to create
that control socket? An "ndc start" is a special case because there's
no socket because there's no name server running. This just causes a
named process to be created.

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