AW: DNS throug a router

Philipp Snizek mailinglists at
Wed Mar 14 07:48:31 UTC 2001

> "Mostro" <mostro at> writes:
> >I just got a DSL connection at my office and am setting up a
> dmz between the
> >DSL router and my cisco router.. What is the proper way to get name
> >resolution between my internal lan and the DMZ. Also to the internet.
> I presume you mean you have a NAT router somewhere.
> The usual case is to have an internal and external DNS, where the
> internal server has internal addresses, but will ask the external
> server for domains it doesn't know.
> The external server has the external (NAT) addresses.
> This way, the same name will work inside or outside, though the
> actual IP address is different.

This would be a possible solution:

int-lan ---- NAT device ---- DMZ ----- DSL Router

Your internal lan is requesting a DNS Cache server which is running on the
NAT device.


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