Wildcards for MX and CNAME in same zone - allowed?

Van Bemmel, Berend bvanbemmel at kpmg.com
Mon Apr 1 19:27:39 UTC 2002

> Dear All,
> For a zone hosted through an ISP I was requesting to put in two wildcard
> records, one for the MX and one for  a CNAME, e.g.
> *	MX 10		mailhost.example.com.
> *	CNAME		www.example.com
> Now my ISP tells me they can not do this because a zone file can only
> contain one wildcard entry, so I had to choose to either use the wildcard
> MX or the wildcard CNAME, both they refused to do. 
> I fail to see the reasoning behind this since MX and CNAME are different
> request types.
> Can somebody tell me if my ISP is right or that I should pursue the matter
> further with them.
> Thanks for any help you can provide,
> Berend

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