Wildcards for MX and CNAME in same zone - allowed?

Van Bemmel, Berend bvanbemmel at kpmg.com
Mon Apr 1 19:49:33 UTC 2002

Dear All,

I have had two real answers to my question below, one was YES the other (you
guessed it) was NO.

Maybe I there is one thing I should add to the question and that the records
are not in the zone example.com but in the zone anotherzone.net, this
changes the behaviour of the wildcards, and makes them less harmfull I
suppose because there is no more recursiveness involved.

So the zone file for anotherzone.net contains the following entries:

*	MX 10		mailhost.example.com.
*	CNAME		www.example.com

Is this allowed (per RFC) and does it function? 
Is my ISP right to refuse putting these records in my zone?

Thanx for the input so far,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Van Bemmel, Berend [mailto:bvanbemmel at kpmg.com]
> Sent: maandag 1 april 2002 21:28
> To: 'comp-protocols-dns-bind at isc.org'
> Subject: Wildcards for MX and CNAME in same zone - allowed?
> > Dear All,
> > 
> > For a zone hosted through an ISP I was requesting to put in 
> two wildcard
> > records, one for the MX and one for  a CNAME, e.g.
> > 
> > *	MX 10		mailhost.example.com.
> > *	CNAME		www.example.com
> > 
> > Now my ISP tells me they can not do this because a zone 
> file can only
> > contain one wildcard entry, so I had to choose to either 
> use the wildcard
> > MX or the wildcard CNAME, both they refused to do. 
> > 
> > I fail to see the reasoning behind this since MX and CNAME 
> are different
> > request types.
> > 
> > Can somebody tell me if my ISP is right or that I should 
> pursue the matter
> > further with them.
> > 
> > Thanks for any help you can provide,
> > 
> > Berend

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