[weird] Re: rpm install with "--disable-threads" for 9.2.1x ??

Pete Ehlke pde at ehlke.net
Thu Nov 14 18:45:47 UTC 2002

On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 01:29:26PM -0500, Joseph S D Yao wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 10:11:02AM -0800, Bill Schoolcraft wrote:
> > I just installed the NEW rpm's that I rebuilt with no threads and
> > wanted to see what type of error I got if I tried to run the NEW
> > 9.2.1.x with my OLD 8.2.3 files and there was NO error, I thought
> > that 9x is not compatible with 8x files???
> You thought wrong.  Isn't it nice, for once, to have thought that
> there were MORE problems than there actually were?  ;-)
> See doc/misc/migration for the few changes that might be needed.
> Why did you build RPMs?  Unless you have multiple systems with the
> same OS on which to load these, or you rely on the RPM bookkeeppingg
> [;-)], there is no need for that extra step.  You can 'make install'
> directly from the source directory.
I'd have built RPMs too, if I were a linux admin. I'm a firm believer in
not installing any software on a unix system that's not wrapped up in
the operating system's native package format. All that 'make install'
stuff leads to system state drift over time. I hate system state drift.
I like systems that can be easily and automatically reproduced with a
simple list of packages. Anyone who's had to reproduce or upgrade a
large development server, and spent days or weeks trying to document
everything that's been dumped onto the source machine with 'make
install' should be nodding in recognition here ;)

For those of us who primarily do solaris, I can't say enough good things
about http://www.bpfh.net/computing/software/pkg-tools/ for creating
solaris packages out of traditional 'make install' based routines.

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