Testing DNS BIND 8

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at center.osis.gov
Tue Nov 19 17:06:01 UTC 2002

On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 09:44:42AM -0600, Jeff Stevens wrote:
> Could someone recommend how to setup some test scenarios for DNS? 
> Anything that would check the basics for BIND 8 config would be good, 
> like a few forward/reverse zones, zone transfer, etc.

(1) Install BIND 9 instead.

(2) Use 'named-checkconf' and 'named-checkzone'.

(3) Use 'dig', then 'nslookup', to look up A, PTR, NS, MX, SOA, and any
other records that you value, for the domain, the server, and another
system, from:
	- the server itself
	- another system in the domain
	- if relevant, another system on another domain in the public
	  Internet or private internet
Be aware that 'nslookup' has peculiarities that make it unfit for
debugging broken BIND systems; but if the system is working, it is the
tool of preference for people whose understanding of DNS is limited to
the fact that IP addresses and system names are somehow tied to each
other.  The snooty message when BIND 9 'nslookup' is run can be
commented out.

(4) Change one zone [preferably one that has a parent or child on the
same name server], making sure to update its serial number, and then
use 'rndc' to have it re-load.  Check whether a peer name server that
slaves to that one receives exactly that one zone change.

(5) Any other tests of which you can think.

Joe Yao				jsdy at center.osis.gov - Joseph S. D. Yao
OSIS Center Systems Support					EMT-B
   This message is not an official statement of OSIS Center policies.

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