Adding MX to an alias

Jim McCullars jim at
Thu Dec 11 21:33:03 UTC 2003


   Hope this is the correct group to ask this question to.  We have a web 
server whose real name is, but it has several aliases
(including www) for various name virtual hosts (,, etc).  Our student newspaper wanted to use this feature,
so we added this:

exponent        IN      CNAME

but they also want to be able to get mail, and I want an
MX to our campus email server,  Apparently, when you have a
CNAME, you cannot have another record type, so I can't just add an MX to
what I have above.  What would be the recommended way to do what I want?
Create an A record for exponent, with the IP address of info, and then an
MX to email?  If I do that, will I break the sendmail (or something else)
on email or info?  Thanks for any advice...

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