ISP fake result

samsouk samsouk at
Tue Jul 27 02:43:03 UTC 2004

Kevin Darcy a écrit :
> Are you forwarding to your ISP's nameserver(s)? If so, then you can fix 
> the problem by not forwarding to them any more.
> If they are modifying your DNS packets on-the-fly, then this is 
> extremely bad. They should be whacked upside the head for doing things 
> like that. Or, if you prefer a less violent approach, get a new ISP.
> - Kevin

thanx kevin,

the technical solution you mention (whacked-head) was the first I was 
thinking about :)

they are not doing this kind of transparent proxying, they are 
redirecting unknown domain names to their commercial directory.

A lot of people are saying that querying root servers is the best 
solution. I hope not all their clients will do the same.


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