transfer is not working

Jim Reid jim at
Tue Jun 1 16:09:24 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Olga" == Olga  <olga at> writes:

    Olga> Can anybody tell me why I am getting permission denied when
    Olga> dumping master file.  Thanks a lot.

Because your name server doesn't have permission to write to the
directory where the slave zone file gets written. This is a file
system problem, not a DNS problem.

BTW, please don't use this nonsense when you post zone
or named.conf files. Concealing this data is counter-productive and
may be harmful. Firstly, it helps when we get to see *exactly* what
your name server gets to see. Or *exactly* what it prints. Second of
allf, you may introduce other errors and inconsistencies when you edit
the files to conceal IP addresses and domain names. Don't do it! OK,
it didn't matter this time. But that was a matter of luck.

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