IPv6 PTR format -- decimal or hex?

Daniel Roesen dr at bofh.de
Mon Mar 29 19:12:24 UTC 2004

* Dan Foster <usenet at evilphb.org>:
> Let's say, it's 3ffe::1, expanded as: 3ffe:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001
> With the nibble format for the inverse mapping, the zone name would be:

Actually, you would probably make the zone cover a /64 or even more.
> My question is, is the range for the name of the PTR records: 0-9,a-f
> and a single digit as opposed to 0-255?
> It's just not clear to me if it's expressed in hexadecimal or decimal.


Best regards,

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