BIND9.3 zonename Problem

SilentRage bind-users at
Sun Oct 31 16:41:07 UTC 2004

Provide the real IP address that does not resolve and we'll tell you what's wrong with it.


--- Reply to: "jesk" <jesk at> ---
> >You told your server to be authoritative for
> >, and told it to allow queries for
> that
> >zone. Then you query it for a record in, for
> >which you have not told it to be authoritative, and for which it has
> not
> >been told to allow queries. Therefore, your server refused your
> query.
> >
> >Clinets on the internet that want to resolve
> > will ask your upstream's servers,
> >which will pass them a CNAME that points to
> >, for which your server will
> provide
> >an answer.
> >
> >Also, please don't obscure your DNS data. It's silly, gets you no
> >privacy (the DNS is inherently public), often masks the real problem,
> >and hinders people who want to help you. And it leads to nearly
> >unreadable answers like the one I had to produce above...
> >
> >-Pete
> Thank you for your fast response,
> i just modfied the query like you said and tried again, without any
> further
> errors, but the ip isnt resolved again. 
> I dont know how to provide more information which could help, but
> there
> is any more to say, the zone is very simple and clear its just a new
> setup
> with only this reverse zone.
> What could it be?

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