DNS ROOT understanding

Ladislav Vobr lvobr at ies.etisalat.ae
Wed Sep 29 04:50:00 UTC 2004

I used to put "no recursion;" in the options and ndc reload the server, 
this will not discard the cache, but stops following up for any new 
recursive requests.

This of course doesn't prevent the cached records to expire, they will 
still do as per their TTL, so it is not a miracle, but it will "calm 
down" the dns server basically telling him, there is no need to use all 
the cpu and retry thousands of requests, when there is a some kind of 
network loss.


Nicolas LIENARD wrote:
>>if you know immediatelly that you have this kind of connectivity
>>problems, you might possibly do some action, like disable recursion,
>>reload, and serve the requests from the cache only, which is basically
>>imho better than having completely over-utilized server with completely
>>non-responsive service.
> Many thanks !  I was only  talking about in the case if the backbone, where
> is the dnscache, has a routage issue.
> (i know that there is already a monitoring on root server 24/24 7/7).
> I didn't know it s possible to disable recursion and serve the requests from
> the cache only.
> Could you say me the way to do this kind of dns configuration ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Nicolas Li?nard

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