9.2.3 timeouts

Tyler Hall tyler at tylerhall.net
Sat Feb 19 07:44:41 UTC 2005

I have two very strange problems.  We recently upgraded to Bind 9.2.3 
from a very old version of bind (Whatever RedHat 7.3 used by default) 
and we're running into two problems.

The more serious problem -- external lookups time out the first try.  If 
it's a new domain (not cached) it will time out the first time but if I 
look it up right away after it times out, it finds it.


 > newdomain.com
Server:  x.x.x.x
Address:  x.x.x.x

DNS request timed out.
     timeout was 2 seconds.
*** Request to x.x.x.x timed-out

 > newdomain.com
Server:  x.x.x.x
Address:  x.x.x.x

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    newdomain.com

Second problem, when I restart named, it takes about 5 minutes to go 
through the entire list of domains to load (We have about 9500 of them) 
and DNS queries to the nameserver time out during that time.  If I kill 
   syslogd (which currently is having bind report all of those 'loading 
zone' messages to /var/log/messages, bind works perfectly right away. 
Why would syslog cause that? There's not a huge load on the machine.

Specs on the box:

Fedora Core 2
Hyper-threaded P4 3.0 ghz.
1 Gig of ram

We have 4 nameservers, each of them on a dedicated 100Mbit link directly 
connected to the router and they all do this.  Here is my named.conf.

Options {
      directory "/var/named";

      allow-transfer { (Other ns IPs are here)

key "key" {
         algorithm       hmac-md5;
         secret "key.is.here.";

controls {
         inet allow { any; } keys { "key"; };

zone "." {
         type hint;
         file "db.cache";

### The list of 9500 domains are after this.


If anyone can point me in the right direction, that'd be great.

Thanks in advance,


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