Clarification - Reverse DNS Setup

originalremfan at originalremfan at
Sat Jan 8 11:47:14 UTC 2005

Barry Margolin wrote:
> This should be:
> zone "160/" {
> i.e. the same name as the domain that your ISP told you they're
> delegating to you.  Where did the "162" come from?

The "162" came from me.  It was based on something I read in the Bind
book about subnetting & reverse zones which apparently I misunderstood.
Thanks for the clarification!

> > type master;
> > file "db.162.160-";
> > allow-query { any; };
> > };
> >
> > and the zone file:
> >
> > $ORIGIN 162.160/
> This origin statement isn't needed, since the default origin is the
> name.  But if you have it, it should be:
> $ORIGIN 160/

Okay, from what I read I didn't think it was needed, either.  However,
without it, the zone transfer to my slave wasn't working.  I was

zone 160/ refresh: unexpected rcode
(SERVFAIL) from master#53

(note that I originally had the zone named as you suggest, before I
started screwing around with it after reading through the book).

Once I added $ORIGIN, the xfer started working.

> Correct the above errors and it should work.
> You might also want to change the filename to match the corrected
> name, but that's not critical -- filenames are arbitrary.

Again, thanks for the clarification.  I appreciate your help!

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