Setting up a DNS caching server with Fedora 4

Mike Smith mike.smith0001 at
Fri Jul 29 12:51:10 UTC 2005


I'm a bit new to this, but I'm trying to set up a DNS caching server
for my newly installed Fedora 4 box.  I'm used to the windows world,
where it has a built-in DNS cache, so bear with me.  According to the
instructions I've found on the net:

the only thing I have to do with Fedora 4 is edit the /etc/resolv.conf
to point to  I've done this, and it doesn't seem to work too
well.  When I use dig, it sometimes uses, sometimes not.  I
don't know the equivalent of "ipconfig /displaydns" in Linux to display
the dns cache, etc, and I don't know how to configure  how long to keep
the DNS entries around.  Any help would be appreciate - also, notes are
below on what I have done.

- installed the latest version of bind, bind-utils, and
caching-namesever with apt-get install
- changed named.conf to put entry
- restarted named

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