Is my BIND Server's Cache Poisioned ?

Joe Shen joe_hznm at
Thu Jun 30 08:14:54 UTC 2005


thanks for the help.

> 	Because IPv6 aware nameservers make AAAA queries
> for the
> 	IPv6 addresses of the nameservers and as a result
> see the
> 	NXDOMAIN / CNAME.  The IPv4 only nameservers don't
> make
> 	these queries, as a matter of practice, and only
> see the
> 	problems if some client of the nameserver makes a
> query
> 	for some records with the same name as that of the
> nameservers.

I've run BIND9 cache server with -4 option. Is there
any way to make BIND9 fault tolerant?


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