Query on DNS Bind cache setting

David Botham DBotham at OptimusSolutions.com
Wed May 18 12:28:02 UTC 2005

bind-users-bounce at isc.org wrote on 05/18/2005 05:34:50 AM:
> Hi All,
>          In DNS bind, two clean the cache, 2 types of cache setting are
> there. One is at zone level by default 24hr, and another at server level
> such as max-cache-ttl, max-ncache-ttl and cleaning-interval.
> Which level setting is effective if both options are set?

I think you may be approaching caching from the wrong perspective. 

Zone administrators set the TTL on RR's in the zones that they control. 
They also set a negative caching TTL for the zone.  The negative caching 
TTL is used to tell remote name servers how long to *not* come back and 
ask about a RR that does not exist.

Now, name server administrators can tell their name server processes to 
put bounds on the TTL's set by Zone Administrators.  You have mentioned 
about the named.conf options used for this purpose.



> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Gangadhar

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