Help needed configuring Bind 9

/dev/rob0 rob0 at
Thu Sep 22 15:41:09 UTC 2005

Ah, at last a gmail user who disabled the default formatting. Thanks.

On Thursday 22 September 2005 02:19, Michael_google gmail_Gersten wrote:
> Hello everyone. Years ago, I used Bind 4 a lot, and had no trouble
> getting it to do what I wanted.
> Now, I'm using a windows XP system. My ISP has had name server
> trouble tonight, and I decided to get BIND and configure a simple
> local cache to avoid having to requery my ISP for everything.
> I cannot figure out how to get BIND to work for a simple cache.

This would have been simple, automatic, on just about any GNU/Linux.

> First, I ran the installer. It created an account "named" for bind to
> run as a service. I gave it no password. However, it refuses to start

I've no idea about how to manage Windows. I have learned NOT to. :)

> My current named.conf has:
> options {
>         directory "c:\michael-2\dns";

Is this correct? I'm sure I've seen \\ in place of \ path separators.

>         query-source address port 53;
> };
> zone "" {
>      type master;
>      file "local.rev";
>      notify no;
> };
> The "query-source" line specifies my ISP's DNS server, so I have
> something to bootstrap from. I'm specifying the directory where my
> files are located.

Take it out. I'm not sure what it does, but I know you don't need it.

> And I'm still getting errors:
> could not get query source dispatcher (
> loading configuration: address not available
> exiting (due to fatal error)

Looks like it was trying to bind as a local IP, and that 

> I could not find a "bind" or "named" FAQ over at
> There are no sample configuration files supplied in the distribution,
> and the manual doesn't have enough of a config file to get going.

I do agree that a simple, working config plus root hints file should be 

> Can someone help me?

options {
        directory "your-path-here";

zone "." IN {
        type hint;
        file "root.hints";

zone "localhost" IN {
        type master;
        file "";

zone "" IN {
        type master;
        file "127.0.0";

Files in "your-path-here":
1. get this file:
and save it as "root.hints".

2. file "":
$TTL    86400
$ORIGIN localhost.
@	1D IN SOA	@ root ( 42 3H 15M 1W 1D )
	1D IN NS	@
	1D IN A

3. file "127.0.0":
@	1D IN SOA	localhost. root.localhost. ( 42 3H 15M 1W 1D )
	1D IN NS	localhost.
1	1D IN PTR	localhost.

And that is all. Point your resolver to, and be sure to 
disable any automatic changes thereto (DHCP, PPPoE, et c.) Enjoy.
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