named fails answering

Radu "Ux" D. raduda at
Wed Apr 26 18:30:31 UTC 2006


I have a named 9.3.1 running just fine on Windows. The resolution is 
working ok.
The named is restarted (through service stop / start) just fine. 
Sometimes, after that:
- named takes 26% of CPU
- any resolution time outs
- rndc run against it on local machine hangs
all that until named is restarted again. After restart, everything is fine.

How can I continue to debug the issue?

Thx, Radu
p.s. the named.conf is simple like

controls {
    inet allow {any;} keys {_nbc_command_channel_key_only_;};
options {
    directory "__________________";

    check-names master ignore;
    check-names slave ignore;
    check-names response ignore;
logging {
    category notify { null; };
    category lame-servers { null; };
    category update { null; };
zone "" in {
type master;
file "";
    update-policy {
    grant _nbc_update_channel_key_only_ wildcard * ANY;
zone "" in {
type master;
file "";
    update-policy {
    grant _nbc_update_channel_key_only_ wildcard * ANY;
zone "" in {
type master;
file "";
    update-policy {
    grant _nbc_update_channel_key_only_ wildcard * ANY;
zone "" in {
type master;
file "";
    update-policy {
    grant _nbc_update_channel_key_only_ wildcard * ANY;
zone "" in {
type master;
file "";
    update-policy {
    grant _nbc_update_channel_key_only_ wildcard * ANY;
zone "" in {
type master;
file "";
    update-policy {
    grant _nbc_update_channel_key_only_ wildcard * ANY;
zone "" in {
type master;
file "";
    update-policy {
    grant _nbc_update_channel_key_only_ wildcard * ANY;
zone "" in {
type master;
file "";
    update-policy {
    grant _nbc_update_channel_key_only_ wildcard * ANY;
zone "." in {
type hint;
file "root.cache.db";

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