Changing output of bind

RZ rz at
Mon Dec 11 13:08:58 UTC 2006

Hello again,

i'll try to rephrase:

>If you are interested in the data you posted here, why not including
>them in your zone file? Why modifying BIND?

because the 'user' thinks that this is not possible

>I have a strong feeling that noone really knows what he wants. Which
>will make it difficult to implement.

agreed ;-)

>I suggest to rephrase the requirments in user's words. It will be
>easier to understand them than when they are in pseudo-technical

as far as i understood things:
this special named shall generate a positive (standard?) answer for
zones/domainnames that are not in the current zonefile; in other words:
if there is an entry for - take the 'correct' data
if there is no entry for - generate a default _positive_

As nobody knows the 'invalid' names i can't generate a zonefile for
'false' requests - or is there a possibility to do such thing just by
'correct' configuring?

Hope things are more understandable now and apologies for being no dns


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