Journal open failed.

kalyanasundaram S s.kalyanasundaram at
Thu Jun 15 04:19:27 UTC 2006

> From: wllarso at
>> Hi,
>> I think it depends a bit on your distro, and how it sets up BIND. If

I am using SLES 10 and bind 9.3.2

>> /var/lib/named is a symlink to something else, I guess that if you
>> chmod the symlink it's no good. OTOH, I have SuSE 9.1 at work, and
>> that one has it as a proper directory. With screwed permissions just
>> like your setup. However, you don't want to allow anyone to write to
>> your BIND directory - just change the group of /var/lib/named to
>> 'named' and give group write access. I'm assuming you're running BIND
>> as user named - that's how it is on SuSE 9.1.

I am running as a root ..

>> Are you sure you're not chmod-ing /var/run/named..., which is actually
>> a symlink? Symlinks have different permissions from their targets,

I have not changed anything. Simply started the server it says /var/lib/named does not exist ,creating it. Then i gone to yast and made zone and added nameserver and A record for itself the zone and one sample host entry ""

>> IIRC. Also, for creating the journal file named has to have write
>> permissions to the directory where your zone file ( is.
>> IIRC, the name of the journal file is just the name of the zone file
>> with '.jnl' appended, at least that's how it was in 9.3.0.

Yah sure it is trying to create the .jnl file that time it says permission denied to create.

> Also remember that if you are running "named" in a chroot
> environment, the actual directory that you need to set permissions
> and change ownership for may not be the "/var/lib/named" directory
> that you see in your non-chroot environment.

I am using the rcnamed script "rcnamed start" and append  (-d10) option to display  what is happenening
is that correct? i think i am not statring in chroot..

> Take a look at how you start named.  If it has a "-t" option
> specified then you are running in a chroot environment and the
> directory structure that you need to look at is under the chroot
> directory that is specified with the "-t" option.  For example, if
> you start up named with "-t /var/lib/named" and the directory that is
> specified in your configuration file is "/var/lib/named", then the
> actual directory that you are looking at is /var/lib/named/var/lib/
> named and changing /var/lib/named itself won't make a bit of difference.

seems /var/lib/named/var/lib/named linked back to /var/lib/named only..

> Now, as Stefan has pointed out, changing the permissions to where
> everyone can write to a directory is an overkill solution.  Please be
> a little careful about giving everyone the right to kill, at least a
> portion, of your operating system.
> Bill Larson
>> On 6/14/06, kalyanasundaram S <s.kalyanasundaram at> wrote:
>>> I am using bind 9.3.2
>> [...]
>>> but while trying from nsupdate it is giving me the error "journal
>>> open failed: Unexpected error"
>> [...]
>>> permission denied
>>> updating zone : Journal open failed: Unexpected Errir
>>> i have set mode (777) for the /var/lib/named    abd /var/lib/named/
>>> master  and /var/lib/named/master/  too..

earlier i had OES 9 and bind 9.2.3 and did the same , it was working...

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