Setting up for a newbie

Stephane Bortzmeyer bortzmeyer at
Fri Sep 15 13:58:08 UTC 2006

On Fri, Sep 15, 2006 at 02:03:04PM +0200,
 Daniele Salatti <danielesalatti at> wrote 
 a message of 75 lines which said:

> I have tryed to do this, but when updating from the interface of my
> domain registrar (

The registrar of is not EuroDNS but Dot Registrar. EuroDNS
is probably just a proxy, which complicates the debugging.

> I get the error "The IP address of this host could not be
> resolved"...

You probably need to register the nameserver, together with its IP
address. This is because, otherwise, there is a chicken-and-egg
problem (to find out the IP address of the name server, you need to
ask the name server...)

> Another thing I'm not sure about: is it possible to have an
> outoritative NS for a domain in the same zone of the domain?

Yes, but this requires setting up the "glue records", the IP addresses
of the name servers. This glue is not necessary when the authoritative
name servers are out of the zone.

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