named listening on UDP

Peter Dambier peter at
Tue Apr 3 22:21:12 UTC 2007

Tom Schmitt wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a (maybe) simple question, but google couldn't help me, so I try the list:
> I downloaded Bind 9.3.4 and installed it on a Linuxserver (Debian-Etch). It's working fine. (Thank you for this piece of fine software!)
> Because I'm a little bit paranoid I checked the ports where named is listening. netstat -tanp brought what I expectet: Port 53 on the external interface and port 53 and port 953 (for rndc) on the localhost-interface.
> But netstat -uanp surprised me a little bit. Besides the expected ports 53 on the localhost and the external host, named is also listening on UDP-port 33186 on the external port. What is that for? I know of no reason to open this port. (also, named is listening on udp6-port 33187)
> Can anyone tell me what the purpose of this open port is?
> Thanks,
> Tom.

Sometimes named queries other nameservers e.g. the root-servers. Like any other program
named uses a random port to query this other nameserver on port 53.

Very likely, next time you start it, named will use a different port.

Kind regards
Peter and Karin

Peter and Karin Dambier
Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana
Rimbacher Strasse 16
D-69509 Moerlenbach-Bonsweiher
+49(6209)795-816 (Telekom)
+49(6252)750-308 (VoIP:
mail: peter at
mail: peter at echnaton.arl.pirates

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