nsupdate 9.3.4 server servername

J.D. Bronson jbronson-news at wixb.com
Fri Apr 20 23:20:23 UTC 2007

What is the correct syntax for using nsupdate with a different server 
via command line in 1 statement?

No matter what I try, it only tries to update the MASTER one and not 
another one I am trying to test with:

nsupdate -k /var/named/keys/Kns2.mydomain.com.+157+32453.private -d 
/etc/nsupdate server ns4.mydomain.com

(/etc/nsupdate contains information to pass onto nsupdate from this script:)

IPADDR=`/sbin/ifconfig bge1|grep 'inet [0-9]'|tr -s " "|cut -d" " -f2`
echo "update delete www.mydomain.com. A" > /etc/nsupdate
echo "update add www.mydomain.com. 86400 IN A $IPADDR" >> /etc/nsupdate
echo "" >> /etc/nsupdate

My script works fine if I do not use the 'server' statement but I 
dont want to mess with production name servers until I have things 
perfect...so I know nothing is wrong with my script.

How do I get nsupdate to talk to a different server?


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