unable to resolve one specific domain (hotmail.co.uk)

Graeme Fowler graeme at graemef.net
Wed Apr 25 16:15:47 UTC 2007

x_bind-users_x at nospam.pz.podzone.net wrote:
> I'm open to comments as to the sanity of doing this, or if there's a
> better way, but hosts can now resolve hotmail.co.uk and mail is free
> flowing to that domain again.

A post on a closed UK-academic-centric mailing list just now stated that 
hotmail seem to be blocking UDP queries with source port == 53.

My testing (using dig's "-b ipaddress#port" option) shows that they're 
refusing connections with privileged source ports. Anything >1023 gets a 

If you have:

query-source address * port 53;  # or < 1024

Then comment it out and restart.


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