build failed on OSX 10.4.10 (ppc) - OT

Mordechai T. Abzug morty+bind at
Sun Aug 12 04:54:20 UTC 2007

On Fri, Aug 10, 2007 at 09:07:33PM +0100, Niall O'Reilly wrote:

> 	We've put significant effort into compensating for the
> 	determination of the vendor of our Linux-distro-of-choice to stay
> 	18 months or so behind updates recommended as 'critical' for key
> 	components of our infrastructure, such as OpenSSL or BIND.

IME, the major Linux vendors are pretty good about backporting
patches.  I.e. you may be officially running bind version 9.2.2, or
whatever, but the vendor backports patches so the (known)
vulnerabilities should no longer apply.

Although I still prefer to build my own, so I get the warm fuzzies of
*knowing* that I'm running 9.3.4P1 or 9.4.1P1.

- Morty

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