Permission denied & Network is unreachable errors

Keef hk11 at
Fri Aug 24 12:59:56 UTC 2007

> Named tried and failed to query a nameserver at But in a typical
Linux system this address is the broadcast address on the loopback interface, and
I guess DNS cannot use broadcast addresses. It could be caused by a NS record
associatied to a bogus A record
> containing this address.

Bogus A record sounds like a good suggestion; thanks.

> Named tried and failed to query a nameserver at 2001:dc7::1, which is an IPv6
global address. Does your box have a global IPv6 connectivity, which is required
to communicate with such an address ? It's usually allright if it doesn't, named
will eventually query the next nameserver with an IPv4 address in the list.

Yep, box should be IPv6 connected :-

tiny:~# ifconfig | grep inet6
          inet6 addr: fe80::208:c7ff:fe72:9cd7/64 Scope:Link
          inet6 addr: fe80::260:8ff:fe0b:e97/64 Scope:Link
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host

> In both cases you may find the "offending" records by digging into named cache
dump if it's fresh enough.

OK, I'll Google for cache dump; thanks for the suggestions.

Keef - Dartford Kent UK

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