Override transferred zone information?

Eric Jain Eric.Jain at isb-sib.ch
Fri Jan 5 03:09:51 UTC 2007

Kevin Darcy wrote:
> "Simple round robin" isn't going to give you the "geo" functionality you 
> seem to be striving for.
> Not sure what you mean by "fallback zone information" either. There's no 
> way within the protocol to say "prefer answers for a given zone from 
> this set of nameservers, otherwise fall back to this other set". Is that 
> what you meant? Unfortunately, iterative resolvers will typically prefer 
> *faster* nameservers over slower ones, so presumably the easyDNS servers 
> are getting a lot more queries for your zones than your own nameservers 
> are (if not, perhaps you aren't getting your money's worth). Which 
> means, all other things being equal, even if you implement GeoDNS on 
> your servers, Internet clients will get the non-"geo"'ed answers more 
> often than not.

The idea was that if the primary name server was not available, round robin 
would be acceptable behavior. But if clients get to pick whatever name 
server they like, I guess that won't work...

> If you want to provide the "geo" functionality in any consistent way, I 
> think you need to *force* the answers to come from your own 
> authoritative nameservers rather than the easyDNS ones. You could 
> accomplish this by either taking your whole zone(s) in-house from 
> easyDNS or by just delegating certain subzones from easyDNS-managed 
> zones, e.g. delegate www.example.com from example.com, and run those 
> with GeoDNS.

Yes, I guess that's what we'll need to do. Thanks for the clarification!

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