NS will not update

Chris Buxton cbuxton at menandmice.com
Wed Apr 9 16:56:37 UTC 2008

It sounds to me like the notifies aren't reaching server A at all.  
What server is listed in the SOA record's first data field, the master  
server name? Notifies will not be sent to that server.

If that's not it, put a packet sniffer (e.g. wireshark) on the slave  
and see where it's sending notifies. If it's sending notifies to the  
slave (server A), put a sniffer on that server to see if they're  
reaching it.

Also, check your logging settings on each server. The default logging  
statement, if none is specified, should log incoming notifies on the  
slave, whether they are accepted or rejected.

Chris Buxton
Professional Services
Men & Mice

On Apr 9, 2008, at 7:21 AM, Paul A wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm really stumped on this problem I'm having. I have two name  
> servers one
> doing all primary zones, lets say A and a slave server, B.
> When I update a record on server A, the slave server, B sees it and  
> updates
> the zone.
> However if I setup a zone on the slave server B as a primary zone  
> and one
> server A set it up as the slave, server A will not see any updates  
> from B.
> Server A will only see the updates from B when I do an rndc reload  
> on the
> zone.
> I do see B sending out the notifies and I have server A listed as an  
> NS
> server in the zone, but looking at the logs I never see the update  
> reaching
> the server.
> I have disabled iptables and checked ACL's etc, nothing is blocking  
> the
> updates.
> I even went as far as to try and setting up another name server on  
> the same
> subnet as A, lets call it C, and A will not take updates from this  
> server,
> C, as well. Again if I do a rndc reload on A for the slave zone then  
> it will
> update it.
> Any thoughts, is there a way for me to be able to watch the notifies  
> from B
> to A and have it be verbose so I can see what happens.
> the only difference between the named.conf files or A and B, is that  
> B has
> ixfr-from-differences yes; and A does not, although this should  
> cause an
> issue.
> Thanks,
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Paulo Amaral
> MegaNet Communications
> P: 508 646 0030
> -----------------------------------------------------

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