DNS exploit code is in the wild

Alan Clegg Alan_Clegg at isc.org
Fri Jul 25 01:32:11 UTC 2008

Nelson Serafica wrote:
> Thanks Jeremy,
> I have downloaded the file  bind-9.5.0-P1.tar.gz and do configure && make && make install.
> Installation was successful. However, when I query the version of bind, it shows:
> [root at ns1-rproxy bind-9.5.0-P1]# /usr/local/named/sbin/named -v
> BIND 9.2.3
> I restart named (/etc/init.d/named restart) but still not yet updated. I have do also rndc reload as well but still the old version.
> Is there a way I can verify that the new bind is already running?
By default, BIND installs into /usr/local/{bin,sbin}.  If you want it to
go into /usr/local/named/* you will have to configure it to do so.

  ./configure --help

for a full list of configuration options.  Make sure to set your options
as they were set when the original version was installed (location of
configuration, etc).


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