finding authoritative nameservers

Mark Andrews Mark_Andrews at
Tue May 20 02:16:17 UTC 2008

> In message <200805200014.m4K0E1HR028826 at>, 
> Mark Andrews <Mark_Andrews at> wrote:
> >	res_findzonecut().
> (boggle!)
> This is REALLY REALLY close to what I have been trying... badly... to
> implement myself.
> (So where have you been all my life, Mr. KnowItAll? :-)
> But seriously, there is one small fly in the ointment.  This function
> apparently returns the IPv4 addresses of the namesevers of interest
> to me.  But I _need_ the _names_ of those... not their addresses.
> Sigh.  So close, yet so far.

	So ask for the NS records once you have the zone name.

	This really is not a major issue.

	You complained about res_query() before not giving you what
	you want.  res_query() is only a wrapper around res_mkquery()
	and res_send() that also detects a NODATA response.  The
	functions are there.  You just need to choose the right
	ones to do the job you want done.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark_Andrews at

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