Editing BIND files with emacs: which mode?

Stephane Bortzmeyer bortzmeyer at nic.fr
Fri Sep 19 16:55:10 UTC 2008

On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 05:34:16PM +0100,
 Niall O'Reilly <Niall.oReilly at ucd.ie> wrote 
 a message of 35 lines which said:

> 	The built-in Emacs search engine (C-h a) returns the
> 	following when I type "zone" as the search argument.

> zone-mode                     M-x zone-mode RET
>   Command: A mode for editing DNS zone files.

Great, thanks.

> 	I've used zone-mode implicitly for years, and supposed
> 	"everyone knew".  Emacs just does the "right thing"; I'm not
> 	sure what heuristic it uses.  

I name my files just "example.org" and it apparently does not trigger
anything. Yes, ".zone" at the end seems the proper trick.

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