DNSSEC and Bind 9.3.6

Stephane Bortzmeyer bortzmeyer at nic.fr
Wed Nov 3 13:42:46 UTC 2010

On Wed, Nov 03, 2010 at 11:24:03AM -0200,
 alexander at nautae.eti.br <alexander at nautae.eti.br> wrote 
 a message of 31 lines which said:

> So, is that possible in any way to use DNSSEC with Bind 9.3.6?

Yes. DNSSEC appeared in BIND 9.0.

> Is there any documentation to follow?

The ARM.

> What are the general important DNSSEC differences in these versions (9.3
> and 9.7)?

NSEC3 (used for the root, for .ORG, .FR, .COM.BR and several others, appeared in, I believe, 9.6)
SHA-2 (used for the root, for .FR and for several others, appeared in
Auto-resign (appeared in 9.7)
Many bug fixes (older versions are really problematic, sometimes)

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