答复: DDOS Atatck on BIND 9.8.0

Tony Xue xuezxbb at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 10:09:37 UTC 2012


I used to get a lot of these kind of junk queries for ripe.net and isc.org in ANY type.

I just manually block these source IPs in iptables. I did this work for several months and there was no more junk queries after.

Also, one of my another DNS server was hacked or whatever and was used to send these kind of junk. My IP was nulled by operator because too high network loads.

So, I believe this is maybe a bug or something that BIND 9.8 has. I think is better to upgrade to the latest version.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Amit Gupta " <jtosys at bol.net.in>
Sender: bind-users-bounces+xuezxbb=gmail.com at lists.isc.orgDate: Fri, 21 Sep 2012 15:26:23 
To: <bind-users at lists.isc.org>
Cc: <amsys1 at bol.net.in>
Subject: DDOS Atatck on BIND 9.8.0 

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