No subject

Tue Apr 2 00:56:56 UTC 2013

CNAME or A records, so this is mostly just a matter of administrative
convenience. Usually, what I tell people trying to decide between CNAME and
A records is that CNAMEs tend to be less maintenance (because if a server is
re-addressed, you have less records to change), but that oftentimes CNAMEs are
only a partial solution because certain names, e.g. zone-apex names like, cannot be CNAMEs. Using A records, on the other hand, is more
maintenance, but you can use the same methodology for all names. A big drawback
of using A records, however, if you use reverse DNS, is the ambiguity of having
several A records point to the same address -- to which one of those names
should the reverse record point?

So it boils down to what the capabilities of your DNS maintenance system are,
in particular the relative value of consistent methodology (e.g. everything
gets an A record) versus conservation/minimization of updates (e.g. this server
got re-addressed, now I have 15 A records to update, versus 1 A record to
update) in that maintenance system, how often your addresses change, and
whether you're using reverse DNS and, if so, how serious the aforementioned
reverse-record ambiguity is in your environment.

- Kevin

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