BIND9 statistics-server: JSON?

Jan-Piet Mens jpmens.dns at
Fri Mar 15 11:58:33 UTC 2013

> { "text": "snipped" }


> Evan has merged this into master

I know -- he's kept me busy looking and testing, and it looks very good.

> and it will go out in 9.10, sometime
> later this year. (We're also putting it into our new subscription
> branch, which should be available for subscription customers in a few
> weeks.)

I pleaded and begged for it to be in 9.9.3b3, but, oh, well. (No
worries: I'm grossly exaggerating.)

> Thanks Jan-Piet!!!

Thank you all for accepting the idea and implementing it cleanly!
Looking very much forward to seeing this.


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