Non-responsive name servers when started during boot on OS X Mavericks 10.9

Carsten Strotmann cas at
Tue Jan 21 11:32:39 UTC 2014

Hi Chris,

Chris Buxton <clists at> writes:

> I’d bet that the package from Men & Mice includes this script or an
> equivalent workaround. When I wrote the original script I wrote about
> above, I worked at Men & Mice.

Your script or the sleep timer is not in the package anymore, but maybe
it should be. I did some testing on our MacOS X Systems, and we also did
not receive issue reports from customers using the MacOS X installer
packages. Thanks for reminding me (us).

However I will look into the issue and put the "sleep" back in if needed
(or find a better patch to inform BIND on changes of the network config).

@Larry: let me know if your are using the Men & Mice compiled BIND
installer packages, and if the issue still appears.

Best regards

Carsten (now building the BIND packages @ Men & Mice)

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