baby steps...

Adam Hardy adam.hardy at
Sun Mar 25 20:07:37 UTC 2018

On 22/03/18 22:54, Adam Hardy wrote:
>>>>> I set up my SOHO server to be a router/gateway to the net, firewall, DHCP 
>>>>> server, DNS server and backup server for my lan.
>>>>> I set up bind9 and isc-dhcp to support DDNS, but I am struggling to get 
>>>>> hostname resolution working on the  server for the lan clients.
>>>>> The server has two NICs - one for lan on, and one that obtains 
>>>>> its public IP address via pppoe from the broadband provider (which 
>>>>> shouldn't be serving DNS outwards but needs configuring not to).
>>>> options {
>>>>        listen-on { 198.158/16;; };
>>>>        listen-on-v6 { <internal address range>; ::1; };
>>>> };
>>> So that will tell bind to serve, but don't I need to
>>> configure linux to go to for DNS, since at the moment it
>>> isn't, according to resolv.conf, it's going to the OpenDNS servers:
>  >>
>>> adam at gondor:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
>>> nameserver
>>> nameserver
>>> domain localdomain
>>> search localdomain
>>> adam at gondor:~$
>>> and that is generated by pppd when it connects.  I'm guessing now
>>> but presumably I have to tell pppd to add to the other
>>> nameservers - the server wants to see the lan as well as the outside world.
>> So you configure your lan-side NIC to use localhost (or its own
>> ip-address) as first dns. Nothing to do with bind.
 > If you're running Linux and I do not know if it works on all distros,
 > add a text file in /etc named "resolv.conf.head" and put in there:
 > nameserver
 > It should put the lines in there at the start of your resolv.conf
 > after getting the info through dhcp.

It's Ubuntu and it's resolvconf package manages /etc/resolv.conf in order to 
mediate potential conflicts between different packages requiring different 
changes to /etc/resolv.conf.

resolvconf provides /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head and putting "nameserver" there sorts out the issue.

Thanks to everybody who helped.

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