Two quick resolver questions

Vladislav Yasevich vlad at
Mon May 22 15:17:54 UTC 2000

Cricket Liu wrote:
> > P.S.  I did implement something similar to no-check-names with a slight
> > extension. In my version, users may specify a set of characters they want
> > to be valid.  They can also turn of name checking completely.
> > I will be adding support no-check-names in the next rev.
> Cool!  How's that configured?
> cricket


In the resolv.conf you can add an option 'allow_special' with the following
syntax: all | {\char}
    all = disalbe name checking completely.  all characters are valid.
    char = any printable character (each \char is separated by spaces)
	   For example: {\_ \; \: \ } will treat underscore, semicolon, colon,
		and space as valid characters.

Vladislav Yasevich		Tel: (603) 884-1079
Compaq Computer Corp.		Fax: (435) 514-6884
110 Spit Brook Rd ZK03-3/T07
Nashua, NH 03062

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