Announcing dhcp-3.0b2pl19

Ted Lemon mellon at
Fri Mar 16 18:39:36 UTC 2001

  *** From dhcp-announce -- To unsubscribe, see the end of this message. ***

This fixes a number of serious bugs, including one that can result in
corruption of the in-memory lease database, leading to weird behaviour
and core dumps.   IT IS STILL NOT SAFE TO UPGRADE from 3.0b1 versions
if you are using Dynamic DNS updates.   If you are upgrading from
3.0b1 and are using DDNS, please wait for 3.0b2pl20.


	        Changes since 3.0 Beta 2 Patchlevel 18

- Allow the server to be placed in partner-down state using OMAPI.
  (Damien Neil)

- Implement omshell, which can be used to do arbitrary things to the
  server (in theory). (Damien Neil)

- Fix a case where if a client had two different leases the server could
  actually dereference the second one when it hadn't been referenced,
  leading to memory corruption and a core dump. (James Brister)

- Fix a case where a client could request the address of another client's
  lease, but find_lease wouldn't detect that the other client had it, and
  would attempt to allocate it to the client, resulting in a lease conflict

- Fix a case where a client with more than one client identifier could be
  given a lease where the hardware address was correct but the client
  identifier was not, resulting in a lease conflict message.

- Fix a problem where the server could write out a colon-seperated
  hex list as a value for a variable, which would then not parse.
  The fix is to always write strings as quoted strings, with any
  non-printable characters quoted as octal escape sequences.   So
  a file written the old way still won't work, but new files written
  this way will work.

- Fix documentation for sending non-standard options.

- Use unparsable names for unknown options.    WARNING: this will
  break any configuration files that use the option-nnn convention.
  If you want to continue to use this convention for some options,
  please be sure to write a definition, like this:

  option option-nnn code nnn = string;

  You can use a descriptive name instead of option-nnn if you like.

- Fix a problem where we would see a DHCPDISCOVER/DHCPOFFER/
  result of a deceptively silly bug in supersede_lease.

- Fix client script exit status check, according to a fix supplied by
  Hermann Lauer.

- Fix an endianness bug in the tracefile support, regarding ICMP

- Fix a bug in the client where the medium would not work correctly if
  it contained quoted strings.

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