dhcp-client passing ISP dsn info to dhcpd

Glenn Satchell Glenn.Satchell at uniq.com.au
Thu Apr 27 15:09:38 UTC 2006

>    # replace dhcpd.conf include file contents (should be one long line)
>    echo "option domain-name-servers $new_domain_name_servers ;" > 

Oops, just realised that there will need to be a comma separating any
ip addresses in the file. I think this might do it, but there could be
other spaces in there...

my_domain_name_servers=`echo $new_domain_name_servers | sed -e 's/ /, /g'`
echo "option domain-name-servers $my_domain_name_servers ;" > 

On reflection, it might be better to put all the changes in
/etc/dhclient-exit-hooks, creating it if it doesn't exist. That script gets 
called from dhclient-script.


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