Configuration questions

Andrew C. Dingman adingman at
Thu Apr 27 16:02:29 UTC 2006

I've got DHCPd doing almost everything I want it to do, but there are
two things I still can't see any way to do.

1) Can I write an "include" statement that will just suck up every file
in a given directory? I could explicitly name every file, but I'd rather
just do things like "include /etc/tsig.d/*.key".

2) Is there any way to either do a case-independent match on a data
expression or convert cases? I don't see it in the dhcp-eval man page,
but I think I'm looking for something like Perl's lc(). The goal would
be something along the lines of:

class "foo" {
	match if substring(option vendor-class-identifier,0,4) = "MSFT";
	match lc(option fdqn.domainname);
	option domain-name "guest.mycompany.internal";
subclass "foo" "adepartment.mycompany.internal" {
	option domain-name "adepartment.mycompany.internal";
subclass "foo" "anotherdepartment.mycompany.internal" {
	option domain-name "anotherdepartment.mycompany.internal";

EG, if you're running Windows, but not from an enumerated set of domains
I have special settings for, you get the default settings for any old MS

Client systems already provide the domain name in mixed case, and I
don't want to try to enumerate all the possible combination of cases.

Thanks in advance.

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