Where does DHCPD store its backup of the dhcpd.leases file?

Jessica Meyer jessmeyer82 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 11:04:36 UTC 2009

Hi Simon

Thanks for your response.

> Never used it myself, but I believe you need to create a minimal lease entry
> manually and include the "reserved;" statement in it - it will need to
> include the client MAC address, and it will need to be in a dynamic range.

> But, you'll also need to remove any other leases held by the client, and
> possibly get the client to forget about any previous leases. Alternatively,
> just change an existing client lease to reserved.

Hmm. Can't I tell DHCPd not to remove leases which are not in a range?
I think that would solve my problem. Or, what also would solve my
problem would be to configure Leasequery so that it also looks up
information in the dhcpd.conf file - so that if there's a host entry
with fixed-address, leasequery returns a LEASEACTIVE with the fixed ip
address and mac address of the host.

I'm considering to patch DHCPD but I'm not good at C and I don't think
it's a good idea.


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