How to set filters in the dhdpd.conf ?

Ashmath Khan at
Fri Sep 11 10:32:56 UTC 2009

Hello everybody,

I have this simple problem, and I want to edit my dhcpd conf file to run
these settings. So i want to know what should go into the conf file.

I have different sets of option groups. Say I have group 'A' which consists
of following options:
option xyx 123;
option abc "";
option pqr 567;

and say group 'B':
option xyz 222;
option abc "";
option def 789;

So i can have same option in different groups and with different value.
Now, i want to define filters having these groups.
Filter 1:
Check for client option 60 and match for the string "phone*"  => i can use
wild card in the matching string.
If it matches select the pool start address as, select options
from group 'B'.
If it doesn't match select the pool start address as, select
options from group 'A'.

Filter 2:
Check for client h/w address, start: 0:0:0:0:0 end: DD:DD:DD:DD:DD:DD
If it matches discard the discover message from client
If it doesn't match select the pool start address as, select
options from group 'B'

Filter 3:
Check for option 55 from client, check if it has option 66.
If it has, select the pool start address as, select options
from group 'A'
If it doesn't, select the pool start address as, select
options from group 'B'.

Can somebody please let me know, how do I add these filters in the ISC
dhcpd.conf file ? Is it possible ?

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