dhclient dhcpctl usage

Ed Ravin eravin at panix.com
Mon Jan 9 20:21:37 UTC 2012

On Mon, Jan 09, 2012 at 09:26:14PM +0200, Boaz Ben-David wrote:
> By control I mean requesting the dhcp client to renew a lease,
> release a lease, knowing that a lease was successfully squires
> etc...

You can more or less do that with omcmd, omshell, or another dhcpctl-based
program, which will talk to the ISC DHCP server.

But the dhcpctl API is only for talking to the server, not the client.  If
you want to mess with the ISC dhclient program, you can try killing the
running dhclient, edit its lease database (dhclient.leases) to change
what you want, and restart it.


(excerpt from "man dhcpctl" below)

     The dhcpctl set of functions provide an API that can be used to
     communicate with and manipulate a running ISC DHCP server.

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