DHCPD will not work with windows clients. It seem that the client does not see the replies.

Steven Carr sjcarr at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 23:23:21 UTC 2013

On 1 February 2013 22:40, Zentner, Jeff <jeff.zentner at hp.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> I am using a old version V3.0pl2_DHCP4 of dhcpd and it does not seem to work
> with windows. It seem that the client does not see the replays. I have tried
> XP and 7 so far. I have a current dhcpd on another computer and it seems to
> work fine is there a way I can do something to make my older code work. It
> is not easy for me to upgrade. Thanks for the help in advance.

Have you taken any packet captures from both the server running DHCPD
and the Windows client to find out why the Windows computer is not
picking up DHCP? Does the Windows client receive the reply? and does
the reply contain the correct data?

AFAIK the underlying DHCP protocol itself hasn't changed (in a long
time) so there shouldn't be anything preventing a newer version of
Windows from getting a DHCP lease. Another thing to look into is
whether any network equipment is filtering out/dropping/blocking the
DHCP messages, but you are going to need to do packet captures first
to see if the messages are getting through.


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