How access assigned host-name value?

Dhcp User dhcpstuff at SlowBlink.Com
Mon Jul 1 21:35:17 UTC 2013

Hi Folks,

   I have a setup where all systems have fixed addresses, the dhcpd.conf
file and dns db files all being dynamically generated from a sql database.
Everything works correctly.

   I want to call an external program to process and track information about
the associated systems. All was well until I tried to access the hostname.

   From the conf file:

subnet netmask {
   use-host-decl-names         on;
   option subnet-mask;
   option broadcast-address;
   option interface-mtu        9000;
   option domain-name          "";
   option domain-name-servers;
   option domain-search        "", "";

   deny unknown-clients;

   pool {
      range; # So fail-over won't complain
      failover peer "failover-partner";

group {
        # This group of systems boots over the 10.59 network
        set clHW = concat (
                        suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 1, 1))),2), ":",
                        suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 2, 1))),2), ":",
                        suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 3, 1))),2), ":",
                        suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 4, 1))),2), ":",
                        suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 5, 1))),2), ":",
                        suffix (concat ("0", binary-to-ascii (16, 8, "", substring(hardware, 6, 1))),2)); # For sql lookup

        set clIP = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address);

        set myIP = binary-to-ascii (10, 8, ".",option dhcp-server-identifier); # we are the web server also

        # chain loading
        if exists user-class and option user-class = "iPXE" {
                # sql query via php for sanboot target for this clHW
                set myvc = option user-class;
                set myhn = pick-first-value(host-name, option host-name, config-option host-name, "iPXE:no-host-value");  *** PROBLEM LINE ***
                set myfn = concat("http://",myIP,"/boot.php?MAC=", clHW, "&HOST=", myhn ,"&DHCP=", gethostname());
                filename = myfn;
        } else {
                # load ipxe
                set myvc = pick(option vendor-class-identifier, option user-class, "unknown");
                set myhn = pick-first-value(host-name, option host-name, config-option host-name, "Other:no-host-value");  *** PROBLEM LINE ***
                set myfn = "undionly.kpxe";
                filename = myfn;

        # Declare all systems which are booting via 10.59 here..
        host server1-59         { fixed-address; option host-name ""; hardware ethernet 20:DB:55:5F:12:A5; }
        host server7-59         { fixed-address; option host-name ""; hardware ethernet 20:DB:55:5F:12:F3; }

        on commit {
                execute("/usr/bin/logger", "myvc=", myvc, "myfn=", myfn, "myhn=", myhn, "leased-address=",clIP)

and from the log file:

 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[0] = /usr/bin/logger
 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[1] = myvc=
 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[2] = PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001
 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[3] = myfn=
 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[4] = undionly.kpxe
 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[5] = myhn=
 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[6] = Other:no-host-value   *** Note this value ***
 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[7] = leased-address=
 dhcpd: execute_statement argv[8] =

The host-name is assigned in the host declaration and works correctly.
The client receives the host-name value and sets it as it should.
However, no matter what combination of references I try, I cannot
get the host-name as set in the host declaration to print out correctly.

I would like to get both the values of host-decl-name and host-name.
In our usage, the host-decl-name is typically the rack/chassis/blade
position and the host-name is the hostname it is assigned.

I'm probably missing something simple.



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