Fixed IP assignment in presence of colliding MAC addresses.

Alex Bligh alex at
Wed Jun 5 23:16:58 UTC 2013


On 5 Jun 2013, at 19:30, Igor Ganichev wrote:

> Alex, thanks for a short concrete answer. We will probably either modify dhcpd or write a simple server ourselves.

If you need something simple to modify, and don't mind using GPL code,
can I suggest the busybox sources? It's far more readable than dhcpd
if you just have static assignments, and is obviously much simpler.

We went with the 'read the RFC and translate to C' route as we were
plugging into an existing system that handles a number of other raw
packet types. It was a few hundred lines of C all said and done.
Of course we are not doing fancy configuration and option processing,
but it's enough to assign a VM an IP address, a default route, and
a few other basic attributes.

Alex Bligh

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