Using OMSHELL to configure host options

Sztrepka Pál szpal at
Fri May 24 07:46:59 UTC 2013


> server localhost
> key omapi_key erertezrtEZTERA0cCtrOCtaVGNiTXZxN2E4NTFpbkxzeHo=
> connect
obj: <null>
> new host
obj: host
> set name = "333"
obj: host
name = "333"
> set hardware-address = 11:22:33:44:55:66
obj: host
name = "333"
hardware-address = 11:22:33:44:55:66
> set statements = "option bootfile-name \"\";"
obj: host
name = "333"
hardware-address = 11:22:33:44:55:66
statements = "option bootfile-name "";"
> create
obj: host
name = "333"
hardware-address = 11:22:33:44:55:66
statements = "option bootfile-name "";"
hardware-type = 00:00:00:00

I hope this help.

2013-05-23 23:46 időpontban Michael Conway ezt írta:
> I have been searching for an answer to this problem for a little 
> while
> now, and hope someone on this list can help.
> I am using omshell to configure hosts on dhcpd. So far, we just set
> the hardware and ip address, and that has been enough. I have run 
> into
> some cases where we also need to set either filename or option
> bootfile-name options, and I have been unable to find a way to do
> that.
> First, I tried set "option bootfile-name" = "file.cfg"
> Then I tried set statements = "option bootfile-name "/file.cfg";" as
> suggested on a few mailing lists
> Both attempts result in the error "can't open object: invalid
> argument" when I issue the create command.
> I've also tried using filename instead of bootfile-name, which 
> results
> in the same behavior.
> Is this possible to accomplish with omshell/omapi? I am using
> isc-dhcpd-4.1.1-P1 on RHEL 6.1
> Thanks!

Sztrepka Pál

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