dhcpv6 relay rfc6939 support

Bryce Larson brycelarsn at cs.byu.edu
Mon Oct 30 22:31:00 UTC 2017

I know cisco and brocade routers/switches have support for rfc6939 (adding the client mac address in as a relay option)
now, but I'm looking for a cheaper solution than buying a new router/switch.  I've been looking for a software dhcpv6
relay that has rfc6939 support.  The ISC dhcp relay doesn't at this point as far as I am aware.  Let me know if it does.
 What would the process be for requesting that feature to be added to dhcrelay?  Also, does anyone know if there is any
other software/cheap dhcpv6 relay that does support rfc6939?

--Bryce Larson

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